Virtual storefront for fictional fashion shop. The application provides the user with full account CRUD functionality, including email activation and password renewal, Google account signup, product search with filters and phrases, cart and order functionality for both logged and not logged users and payment with Stripe
Technology: python, django, postgresql, google api, stripe api, amazon s3, html, css, js, bootstrap, git, docker
Basic application for note taking. It provides user with basic CRUD functionality, including email verification and password renewal and notes CRUD functionality. The application was created in order to learn basics of Django framework
Technology: python, django, postgresql, google api, html, css, bootstrap, git, docker
Web platform for animal shelters. The application connects animal shelters with users, providing both with different functionalities. There's CRUD functionality for users, shelters and animals. Users can be assigned to shelters with 3 different relationships (owner, keeper and volunteer), that gives them different rights. Animals and users have their own schedules so visits and walks can be arranged and Google Maps API is used for localization.
Technology: python, flask, sqlite, google api, html, css, bootstrap, git